Morning Star Society



The Morning Star Society's - Officers & Members of the Board

Under our articles of incorporation, the Morning Star Society has four elected officers who are elected to serve on a volunteer basis for a term of two years. In addition to the elected officers we have a Board of Directors made up of 24 members and an Advisory Council. All officers, directors and council participants are outstanding members of their community bringing substantive experience in Senior Care, Mental Decline, Retardation and Developmental Disabilities.

Our Executive Officers are:

Dr. Louis Miele, Ph.D.- President/CEO
Dr. Elio Baldini, M.D. - Vice President
Dr. Bevon Miele, MD (Rose De Luca) - Secretary
Angelo Guglielmo, Esq.(Ciro Chechile) - Treasurer


Our President - Louis Miele, Ph.D.

LM2011Dr. Louis Miele is a Professor, Author, Lecturer, Promoter and a Radio/TV personality. He holds a Doctor of Communication and Psycholinguistics, has studied (and mastered) seven languages and has pursued his educational goal with unselfish love and dedication for people of all nations. Louis received a Bachelor of Science from Mercy College, then continued his studies at Lehman College, Hunter College and Ohio State- Union Graduate University, where he earned his Ph.D. in multi-lingual Communication and Cognitive Psychology.

Click to Learn More About Dr. Miele...

Our Vice President - Dr. Elio Baldini, M.D.

baldiniDr. Elio Baldini, attended school in La Spezia, Italy and joined the Royal Naval Academy of Livorno (Leghorn), Upon his discharge as First Lieutenant, he turned his interested to medicine, completing the medical education at the University of Bologna with an M.D. Degree. After practicing medicine for 2 1/2 years as a Health Officer in Italy, Dr. Elio Baldini emigrated to the US, where he interned at the Springfield Hospital in Springfield, Massachussets and residency training at the St. Raphael Hospital in New Haven, Connecticut.